SCALAR ARCHITECTURE with Cinco Patas al Gato
Location Tallahassee, Florida
Owner / Client Private
Year of Completion 2021
Size 3,400 sq ft
Budget Withheld
Surrounded by live oak trees, farm fields, wetlands and a pond, the residence and collection is deployed as a pattern of tall volumes and courts that configure new relationships and spaces on the site. The site location and architectural language were highly restricted by a series of neo-historicist local codes and by-laws that largely neglected environmental factors. These codes were also unaware of the nuances and social justice connotations of the proposed historical models. In this context, the project pushed for a revision of historical requirements in favor of muted volumes which both performed environmentally and reflected on the many histories of the land. These revisions were very much in line with the collection housed: A personally curated wide and diverse ranging collection of artifacts.