Client Abraaj Capital Investing
Year of Completion 2007 (on hold)
Size 340,000 sf
Budget $90,000,000
The company Abraaj asked us to submit a proposal for a commercial center, hotel, offices and residences in Lahore in Pakistan. They asked us to stretch the technical possibilities of building in Pakistani and to assume a building technology paradigm shift.
The design takes on the mandate of a single structure and pursues strategies for the incorporation and delineation of the disparate programs and their demands. The structure is defined by a series of optimal programmatic layouts that morph into each other. In the latest structure, the base houses the commercial center and large hotel functions, the bottom of the tower contains the hotel section (the tower at his point is an elongated sinuous base with lots of perimeter), the mid section contains the offices ( the previous plate has at this point centrifugally morphed providing a large floor plate layout) and the residences get the views and a minimal footprint and geometry.